IOM Shelter Operations
IOM’s unique position as an intergovernmental or- ganization allows it to work with quality and scale in natural disasters, conflict, and complex emer- gency settings, delivering urgent humanitarian needs. In this capacity, IOM has both operational and coordination roles, and works with partners through all phases of preparedness and response in support of national authorities. Since 2005, IOM has implemented shelter and non-food items (NFI) projects in over 40 countries.
Over the course of 2014, IOM’s shelter pro- grammes reached millions of individuals affected by various types of disasters across the world: Non- Food items (NFIs) were distributed to over 550,000 households (HH), 220,000 HH were provided with or supported to build shelters, 63,000 HH received cash assistance and 58,000 HH were repaired.
IOM leads or co-leads approximately 1/3 of coun- try level Shelter coordination mechanisms world- wide. Globally, IOM is a key player in the Shelter Cluster Strategic Advisory Group and co-Leads the Shelter Cluster Accountability Working Group and Technical and Innovation Working Groups.
As IOM’s programmes responded to the needs identified at field level, a diverse range of opera- tions and forms of support were delivered across 2014 and into the beginning stages of 2015. The IOM Shelter and Settlements Update 2015 sheds light on these activities by sharing reports from 23 country offices. In 2014, IOM responded to large scale emergencies in Iraq, Philippines, Nepal, South Sudan and Syria, in addition to responding to smaller scale crises. Some activities included:
• Emergency Shelter / Non-Food Items: Distributions were reported in over 20 countries including Turkey, Pakistan and Ethiopia. Tents were provided in Iraq and Niger.
• Shelter Construction and Upgrade: Shelters were provided, constructed, and strengthened in Bolivia, Iraq, Niger, and Philippines.
• Cash-Based Support: Cash for work, cash for rent, and unconditional cash programs were conducted in Kenya, Lebanon, Niger, Philippines, and Ukraine.
• Trainings, Planning & Awareness: Activities and trainings focused on technical assistance, capacity building and disaster risk reduction measures in Colombia, Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Vanuatu.
Additionally, the report includes four case studies to showcase innovation and diversity in IOM re- sponse. These are intended to support learning.
• Iraq: Emergency shelter in camps
• Kenya: Pilot Stockpiling in Nairobi
• Pakistan: Disaster Risk Reduction - Use of Lime • Philippines: Debris-to-Shelter program