Haiti: Le GARR plaide pour une solution durable en faveur des déplacés/es du...
Source: Groupe d'Appui aux Rapatriés & RéfugiésCountry: HaitiA l’occasion du 65ème anniversaire de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme, le GARR plaide pour la protection des droits des...
View ArticleHaiti: Haïti Bulletin humanitaire - Numéro 35, octobre-novembre 2013
Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsCountry: HaitiFAITS SAILLANTSEnquête sur les conditions de vie des ménages après le séisme du 12 janvier 2010: Une assistance humanitaire...
View ArticleHaiti: Ecuador entregará obras de construcción en Haití
Source: Government of EcuadorCountry: Ecuador, HaitiQuito (Pichincha).- El Gobierno ecuatoriano entregará formalmente, este viernes 13 de diciembre, al gobierno haitiano las obras de construcción...
View ArticleHaiti: Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation - 200618: Strengthening...
Source: World Food ProgrammeCountry: HaitiOver the last two decades, Haiti has been affected by a series of political crises and devastating natural disasters. Due to its geographical location, the...
View ArticleHaiti: Haïti : PAH 2013 - Financement (daté du 10 décembre 2013)
Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsCountry: HaitiL'Organisation des Nations Unies et la communauté humanitaire en Haïti ont lancé un plan d'action humanitaire en 2013 de 144...
View ArticleHaiti: Haiti: Humanitarian Dashboard (as of 12 December 2013)
Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsCountry: HaitiSITUATION OVERVIEWCCCM: An estimated 172,000 people remain internally displaced in Haiti in 306 camps almost four years after...
View ArticleHaiti: FACTBOX - Haiti's health problems
Source: AlertNetCountry: HaitiAnastasia MoloneyHaiti is one of the poorest countries in the Americas. Around three-quarters of the country’s 10 million inhabitants live on less than $2 per day, which...
View ArticleHaiti: Humanitarian Action Plan for Haiti 2014
Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsCountry: HaitiSUMMARYHaiti has made remarkable progress to recover from the multiple shocks suffered in the last few years: 89% of the...
View ArticleHaiti: Statement to the press by the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator...
Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, UN Country Team in HaitiCountry: HaitiGeneva, 17 December 2013 I have come here today to speak about Haiti. Unfortunately, over the last...
View ArticleHaiti: Humanitarian situation in Haiti and response plan 2014
Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, UN Country Team in HaitiCountry: HaitiGeneva, 17 December 2013: Today, the Humanitarian and Resident Coordinator for Haiti – Mr. Peter de...
View ArticleHaiti: Cholera in Haiti: An End in Sight
Source: UN Country Team in HaitiCountry: HaitiIntroduction Throughout its history Haiti has faced many complex tragedies. that shook Since the outbreak in October 2010 in the aftermath of the...
View ArticleHaiti: Haïti : l'ONU demande 169 millions de dollars pour financer l'aide...
Source: UN News ServiceCountry: Haiti18 décembre 2013 – Le système des Nations Unies en Haïti a lancé, hier à Genève, un appel de fonds d'un montant de 169 millions de dollars pour financer l'aide...
View ArticleHaiti: Ecuador termina su ayuda en Haití y los ciudadanos de la isla tienen...
Source: Government of EcuadorCountry: Ecuador, HaitiQuito (Pichincha).- Su trabajo en Haití dejará huellas imborrables para los militares ecuatorianos. En la isla, que fue azotada por un catastrófico...
View ArticleHaiti: Canadian Red Cross' Integrated Health Program underway in Jacmel
Source: Canadian Red CrossCountry: HaitiEmergencies and disasters can strike entirely without warning. That was the case several years ago, in January 2010, when Haiti was struck by a massive...
View ArticleHaiti: Earthquake Recovery Emergency appeal n° MDRHT008 Operation Update nº 36
Source: International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent SocietiesCountry: HaitiProgramme summary:Since the January 2010 earthquake, when 1.5 million Haitians were displaced from their homes,...
View ArticleHaiti: Haïti : Financements humanitaires (en date du 10 décembre 2013)
Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsCountry: HaitiLe tremblement de terre du 12 janvier a déplacé plus de 2,1 millions de personnes et détruit/endommagé environ 175 682...
View ArticleHaiti: Haiti: Humanitarian Funding (as of 10 December 2013)
Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsCountry: HaitiThe earthquake of 12 January displaced more than 2.1 million people and destroyed/damaged about 175,682 homes. More than...
View ArticleGuatemala: REDLAC Nota Semanal sobre Emergencias - América Latina y el Caribe...
Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsCountry: Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala, Haiti, NicaraguaDESTACADOS:NICARAGUA: Más de 20 comunidades de la RAAN quedaron aisladas debido a...
View ArticleGuatemala: REDLAC Weekly Note on Emergencies Latin America & the...
Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsCountry: Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala, Haiti, NicaraguaHIGHLIGHTS:NICARAGUA: More than 20 communities in RAAN were isolated due to floods and...
View ArticleHaiti: Haïti-Bilan 2013/Droits humains : Année de stagnation, sinon de...
Source: AlterPresseCountry: HaitiP-au-P, 26 déc. 2013 [AlterPresse] --- En se basant sur leurs observations, des personnalités d’horizons divers déplorent le fait qu’aucune avancée n’est faite, au...
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