I. Introduction
1 . By its resolution 2180 (2014), the Security Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) until 15 October 2015 and requested me to report on its implementation semi-annually and not later than 45 days before its expiration. The present report covers major developments between the issuance of my report of 4 March 2015 (S/2015/157) and 31 August 2015 and outlines activities undertaken by the Mission in line with its mandate under the relevant Council resolutions, most recently 2180 (2014)
II. Political developments
2 . Haiti made significant strides towards the renewal of its democratic institutions with the holding of the first round of legislative electio ns on 9 August, paving the way for a second round, combined with presidential elections and municipal and local polls, on 25 October. A run-off for the presidential elections will be held on 27 December if it is required. The polls were assessed by nationa l and international observers as generally peaceful, albeit with numerous localized incidents of violence. They afforded an opportunity for the Provisional Electoral Council to demonstrate its capacity to manage a highly complex electoral process, with support from the United Nations and other international partners, notwithstanding the logistical and financial challenges and in the context of reduced MINUSTAH logistical and security support capabilities. Overall, the Council managed the electoral process inclusively and transparently. On 20 August, the Council decided to repeat the first round of elections to the Chamber of Deputies in 22 of 119 districts because many tally sheets were not received as a result of irregularities, including violence, vandalism and theft.
3 . The publication by presidential order of the electoral decree in March, following consultations between the Provisional Electoral Council, the executive branch and political parties, was broadly welcomed by Haitian political stakeholders. On 16 March, the President of Haiti, Michel Joseph Martelly, issued a presidential order publishing the electoral calendar, calling for three rounds of polls.
Several political parties expressed discontent with the calendar, accusing the Council of not having taken into account their recommendation in favour of a two - round process to avoid the financial burden of running three separate campaigns