Haiti: Renforcement durable des capacités d’intervention des sapeurs-pompiers...
Source: Government of CanadaCountry: Canada, HaitiLe gouvernement du Canada octroie une contribution financière de 2 640 000 $ à la Ville de Québec pour la mise en œuvre du projet Renforcement durable...
View ArticleHaiti: The Harper Government and city of Québec work together to save lives...
Source: Government of CanadaCountry: Canada, HaitiMinister Paradis is pleased to once again promote the sharing of Canadian expertise to support development in Haiti.January 13, 2015 – Québec, Quebec –...
View ArticleHaiti: Haiti Five Years Later: Salesians Continue Making Progress Long After...
Source: Salesian MissionsCountry: HaitiIn the initial aftermath of the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti on Jan. 12, 2010, the Salesians were instrumental in emergency response and relief...
View ArticleHaiti: As clinic flexes its muscle, Haitians regain mobility
Source: American Red CrossCountry: HaitiJude Focette used to earn a living as a truck driver, but that changed four years ago when he suffered a stroke and was no longer able to walk. “I could not move...
View ArticleHaiti: The Path to a Better Life in Haiti
Source: Global CommunitiesCountry: HaitiBy Jude Martinez Claircidor, Global Communities Haiti Communications ConsultantAfter the 2010 earthquake destroyed many neighborhoods and leveled many homes,...
View ArticleHaiti: Health Care Underprioritized in Haiti Reconstruction
Source: Médecins Sans FrontièresCountry: HaitiFive years have passed since a devastating earthquake shook Haiti, affecting approximately 3 million people and killing 220,000, according to government...
View ArticleHaiti: Haïti : la micro épargne, un outil de reconstruction après le séisme
Source: CARECountry: HaitiYvette Lapaix et ses voisins de la commune de Carrefour ont dû reconstruire leur vie suite au tremblement de terre dévastateur qui a frappé Haïti en 2010. Ils se sont...
View ArticleHaiti: Haïti : du relèvement au développement durable
Source: UN Development ProgrammeCountry: HaitiLe 12 janvier 2010, un tremblement de terre dévastateur frappait Haïti. Plus de 200 000 personnes ont perdu la vie et 1 500 000 ont été déplacées lors de...
View ArticleHaiti: 5th Anniversary Haiti Earthquake
Source: Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V. (German Agro Action)Country: HaitiHaiti must live without humanitarian aid in the long termBonn, 08/01/2015. At the end of the year, Welthungerhilfe will wind up...
View ArticleHaiti: Haiti: 2014 Humanitarian Funding Overview (as of 15 January 2015)
Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsCountry: Haiti
View ArticleHaiti: Status of Post-Earthquake Recovery and Development Efforts in Haiti...
Source: US Department of StateCountry: Haiti, United States of AmericaThis report is provided in response to the “Assessing Progress in Haiti Act of 2014” (P.L. 113-162) (“the Act”), which directs the...
View ArticleHaiti: Fact Sheet: U.S. Assistance to Haiti Overview for 2010-2015
Source: US Agency for International DevelopmentCountry: Haiti, United States of AmericaFive years after the devastating 2010 earthquake, Haiti has transitioned to a period of long-term development....
View ArticleHaiti: Fact Sheet December 2014 - CCCM & Shelter Cluster - Haiti
Source: Inter-Agency Standing Committee, International Organization for Migration, Haiti Shelter Cluster, CCCM ClusterCountry: Haiti
View ArticleHaiti: Humanitarian Action for Children 2015: Haiti
Source: UN Children's FundCountry: HaitiUNICEF is requesting US$22 million to meet the humanitarian needs of children and women in Haiti in 2015.Despite a reduction in the reported number of cholera...
View ArticleHaiti: Fonds de Reconstruction d'Haiti: L’année de la maturité - Rapport...
Source: Haiti Reconstruction FundCountry: HaitiI. INTRODUCTION Le FRH est un fonds fiduciaire multi-bailleurs mis en place par le Gouvernement avec le soutien des bailleurs de fonds pour des...
View ArticleHaiti: Comprehensive Haiti Aid and Relief Report, 5 Years of Love and Compassion
Source: Tzu Chi FoundationCountry: HaitiSince 2008, the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation has committed its resources and manpower to helping the people of Haiti through projects and applications parallel...
View ArticleHaiti: Haïti : Etat des lieux des camps – février 2014
Source: Inter-Agency Standing CommitteeCountry: HaitiPrenant en compte les activités actuelles d’appui (projets en cours et en fermeture) au retour des familles dans les camps, il est projeté que plus...
View ArticleHaiti: Le Conseil de Sécurité de l’ONU a visité le projet 16/6
Source: UN Development ProgrammeCountry: HaitiTôt dans la matinée du 24 janvier 2015, la mission du Conseil de Sécurité de l’ONU a visité les réalisations du projet 16/6 dans deux quartiers ravagés...
View ArticleHaiti: Haïti : Dans sa lettre ouverte au nouveau Premier ministre, Amnesty...
Source: AmnestyCountry: HaitiLa nécessité de reloger durablement des dizaines de milliers de personnes ayant tout perdu dans le tremblement de terre de 2010 doit être la priorité du nouveau Premier...
View ArticleHaiti: Haiti: Open letter prompts new Prime Minister to take up human rights...
Source: AmnestyCountry: HaitiThe abject failure to sustainably rehouse tens of thousands of people who lost everything in the devastating 2010 earthquake must be a top priority for the new Prime...
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